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Be a member of the Shenzhen Pengpou Care&Love Interactive Association

Home-Be a member of the Shenzhen Pengpou Care&Love Interactive Association

According to the decision offirst Council directors meeting,after official registrationof  the Association , these payments  are automatically converted to membership dues. The membership

dues  120 yuan a yearalready paid by the  members  till now, remain unchanged following the potential augmentation. Issuring card,

Enjoying membership rights are based on the contribution of membership dues.

Warmly welcome to join the Shenzhen Pengpou Care&Love Interactice Association
we are a family,. All ourmembers must fulfill the basic obligations, enjoy the basic rights of constitution endue.

Step1: Fill out the application form

Find out the Association members rights and obligations
【 Click to read 】

Member registration download【 Click to download 】

Send your application form to 32197 @qq.com

Step 2:

Completemembership payment

 (RMB 120 / year)

Note pleaseremit money by bank and  indicate clearly the purpose of the payment ( membership duess, your true name and wet netname) .

Bank of deposit: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Shenzhen Shangbu RoadBranch.
Account name: Shenzhen Pengpou Care&Love Interactive Association
Account number : 4000 0201 0920 0361 357

Step 3:  membership card

It is required for members who has paid fees to upload an one-inch,

Bareheadeddigital photo to 32197 @qq.com, and please use your true name as the photo file name.