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"Spring Breeze Action"

Aid Primary and Middle School Students Project Implementation Plan

I.  Students’ Information Collection:

1.        Students information (including learning and family situation) is received  through schools;

2.        Through media;

3.        And through e-friends.

II. Students’ Information Verification:

SZPP provides field inspection trips with volunteers in order to understand each needy student situation.

1.        Get the needy students real situation at home, record student home phone number, in order to follow up the acceptance of aid-free education;

2.        Solicit neighbors to understand their family situation;

3.        Contact school teachers to understand child's learning and ideological status.

III. Seeking Donation:

After review and assessment of students’ material, SZPP will initiate the funding for eligible students.

1.        The needy students, their parents and schools agree to enter students’ information into the SZPP web Forum, the pledge assigns one student to one caring person;

2.        Launch the action through QQ groups ,WeChat, Microblog, etc;

3.        Actively seek out donors, potential donors, as well as their associates.

IV. Amount and Term:

1.        Every child’s living expenses RMB1050 yuan per year (including RMB50 yuan management fee);

2.        Term: from primary to junior high school graduation;

3.        In case to withdraw on half-way, SZPP will launch the Aid Relay.

V. Managements of Grant:

1.        The contributors put the donated money into SZPP account before the school year;

2.        SZPP transfer the donated money each semester to the school designated account according to prior agreement (transfer within 15 days after the opening school term RMB300 yuan, RMB200 yuan four months later);

3.        The designated school teacher is responsible for forwarding the donated money to the subsidized students within 15 days after receiving, and feedback to the SZPP Wet Forum, enter the donate money receipt form with students’ s (or their parents) signature for review.

VI. Platform Function of SZPP:

1.        Examine carefully the information of needy students, make truthful feedback to the needy students’ aid groups, SZPP ensure the reliability, accuracy of these information;

2.        Supervise the schools which are responsible for forwarding the donated money to the subsidized students and get feedback of the students actual learning conditions;

3.        Ensure contributors transfer their donated money into account on schedule and that the subsidized child can receive it on time.

VII. Pre-requisites Conditions (four or more followings must be satisfied):

1.        Family without regular income, not one family member works out of the village for long-term, or no migrant workers, (* rigid conditions);

2.        The family has a member with a disability or long-term illness (priority);

3.        Single-parent families lost their normal ability to work or could not live a normal life;

4.        No other income from Commonweal Association or non-profit organizations (*no duplicated donation);

5.        Family members have no bad habits (such as alcoholism, gambling, bad moral character, no caring for elders, etc.).  The students living in this sort of family with strong desire to study and meet other conditions may be considered high priority!

VIII. Application Process:

1.        Each school (2-3 adjacent schools) or local no-profit organizations recommend the applicants, and declare the number of needy students not less than 40 (no upper limit);

2.        Fill out the registration form and complete the file with each student's name, send to e-mail box: 32197@qq.com;

3.        SZPP volunteers perform field visits and assessment of applicant materials, with reliability of at least 90%. (Otherwise, the whole region will be considered giving up the donated money );

4.        Each school or local organizations must return the students’ signed receipt form, feedback students’ achievement of each semester; mobilize the students to report their learning and life states to the contributor every semester.

Schools or organizations agree to the above items may download registration form at the following wet site.


IX. Volunteers Visit Requirements:

1.        Volunteers, who participate in the field visits, must obey the management of SZPP tours’ leader; ensure the reliability and accuracy of collected information of each donor, feedback to SZPP the material for review and assessment.

2.        Volunteers verify the information and fill out the registration form;

3.        Volunteers shall explain to the students and their guardians of making the information public because this action is launched through the network. This form must be signed personally by the student and the guardian, and published with their consent or approval;

4.        Photo requirement: Photos taken must be original and legible without PS or modification; respecting the objective facts, Volunteers’ photos must fully reflect the actual poverty aspect, current living conditions.

5.        A debriefing is required after each visit tour and entered on the Forum. Volunteers complete the spreadsheet after verifying the contents of the student registration form, each student and the family photos archived in the file titled the student's name and sent to the SZPP specific responsible.